According to sources, due to the market price of maize reaching Rs. 2,150/q. there is a lot of restlessness in the poultry industry and starch manufacturers.
ABC Udyog Pvt Ltd has seen a jump in its income within a short period of its operation.
The company reported a turnover of Rs 1.44 crore (unadjusted) during the four months of 2022.
सरकारले कोटा तोकेर पोस्तादाना आयात खुलाउने तयारी गरेको छ । नेपालमा खासै प्रयोग नहुने र भारतमा पनि प्रतिवन्ध लागेको पोस्तादानाको कोटा तोकेर आयात खुलाउने गृहकार्य भएको हो ।
Oil prices rises Tuesday after the G7 price cap for Russian sea oil took effect on Monday, in addition to the European Union's ban on seaborne imports of Russian crude.
बर्दियाको गुलरिया नगरपालिका –१२, लालपुरा गाउँस्थित खेतमा आधुनिक मेसिनको प्रयोगबाट धान काट्दै किसान । कृषि प्रविधि भित्रिएसँगै पछिल्लो समय किसानलाई कृषि कार्य गर्न सहज भएको छ ।
तस्बिर : मेनका चौधरी/रासस